I am moving this over to this forum as suggested.
We are trying to get people to send Bev Harris's book, Black Box Voting: Ballot Tamepring in the 21st. Century, to members of Congress. In order to try to avoid duplication of effort, I am keeping track of pledges here.
This does not mean that you can't send the book to your state legislators, libraries, etc. It's just a suggestion that since Bev's book is online, you take that money and send a copy to congress or somewhere else it might do some good. I will work on several versions of a letter provided by other activists to be included in the book if it is shipped from Plan Nine Publishing. I don't know if you can have such a letter included from Amazon.
I am now keeping the list sans who is pledging to send books. IF you'd rather I keep names on the list, I go back to that. I was just using DU screen names. I have that information and can add it back on, but perhaps some will prefer to PM me and let me add their reps to the "already pledged" list that way.
Books have been pledged to send to:
Jeff Bingaman Barbara Boxer Robert Byrd Hillary Clinton Mike DeWine Elizabeth Dole Richard Durbin John Edwards Russ Feingold Dianne Feinstein Bob Graham Chuck Hagel Fritz Hollings Edward Kennedy Herb Kohl Carl Levin Patty Murray Charles Schumer Olympia Snowe
Tom Allen Virginia Brown-Watie Randy "Duke" Cunningham Jesse Jackson Jr. Dennis Kucinich Tom Lantos Brad Miller Steve Pearce Jan Schakowsky Pat Tiberi
Checks for update accuracy always welcome!
Recommendations of people who should get books: (Just guessing on my part, I'll put an asterisk by some I think are important, but that's only my guess. If you know of someone who rarely makes the news but who really works behind the scenes to get things done, then let me know and I'll add them to the list if you're already committed to send books to others)
Lincoln Chafee Tom Harkin* James Jeffords* Patrick Leahy* Barbara Mikulski Bill Nelson Harry Reid Ron Wyden
Brian Baird John Conyers* Norm Dicks Barney Frank* Rush Holt* Jay Inslee Barbara Lee* Jim McDermott Ed Markey Marty Meehan Ron Paul* Nancy Pelosi Bernie Sanders* Maxine Waters Henry Waxman*