Ontario must change the law to allow college part-timers to join a union
Colleges in Ontario, Canada exploit over 17,000 part-time workers, both faculty and support staff, as a source of cheap labour. Part-timers are paid less than full-timers. They have no job security. They have few or no benefits.
Ontario is the only province in Canada where it is against the law for college part-timers to join a union. Without union rights, part-timers can't bargain a better deal for themselves.
Part-time workers from Ontario's 24 colleges met Nov. 17-19 2006 to form the Organization of Part-time and Sessional Employees of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (OPSECAAT). Members elected a 10-person executive (five
from faculty, five from support).
OPSECAAT will be working in 2007 to sign up members across the college system and to advocate for changes to the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, in accordance with the November International Labour Organization resolution, to allow the basic rights of association and collective
bargaining to apply to all workers.
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