The budget process starts now. Email your Members of Congress today. of Congress will soon be making decisions about the federal budget for 2008 that will impact how much money is spent on lifesaving cancer research and programs throughout the United States. Among other things, they’ll be deciding how much money they’ll dedicate for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
You can help ensure they dedicate enough funds to NIH to support cancer research and programs around the country and in your state. Every state receives funding from NIH in the form of grants to cancer centers, universities, and other programs that research the causes of cancer and new treatments for those suffering from the disease.
Click here to email your legislator asking them to support an increase in funding for the NIH! this point in the budget process, your Senators and Representative can submit letters to the Appropriations Committee asking them to fund certain priorities. We’d like members to stand with us in requesting an increase of 6.7% for the NIH in 2008, clearly declaring that cancer is a priority in their districts.
These letters, submitted by nearly every Member of Congress to the Appropriations Committee, are known as program request letters and they are due by March 16 in the House of Representatives and shortly thereafter in the Senate. They need to hear from you NOW!
Please contact your legislators now and urge them to support a 6.7% increase for the NIH in 2008 in their program request letter to the Appropriations Committee.