Lower Drug Prices for Millions of Americans
Target: U.S. Senate
Sponsor: AARP
* Signatures: 6,142
* Goal: 20,000
* Deadline: Ongoing...
* See Full Petition
* Email this Petition
Right now, Medicare is prohibited by law from bargaining directly with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices. This law doesn't make sense. Why shouldn't Medicare be able to use its bargaining power to negotiate prices with drugmakers?
The House of Representatives passed a bill that would give Medicare the power to bargain for lower drug prices. Now it's the Senate's turn to act.
The pharmaceutical lobby is working to stop this bill that would help lower drug prices. We need to fight back and make sure that Senators know that the people at home want them to stand up to the drug companies!
The new Medicare drug benefit is making prescription drugs more affordable for millions of older Americans, but overall drug prices are still too high. It's simply common sense to give Medicare the authority to use its bargaining power.