This is something I personally thought important simply because of the fact that nothing gets more consistent readers than a local newspaper forum.
As it stands now more and more local forums are being hijacked by these irrational ditto heads who are allowed to put realism to the side and spout verbatim whatever marching orders of the day may be. Due largely in part simply because progressives,democrats and progressive independants seem to be afraid to get down into the dirt and fight these Neo-Cons on thier own turf and by thier own rules.
You would be surprised how easy they crumple when they are faced with a hard nosed Liberal point of view that will not go quietly into the night.
I am surprised that San Francisco would allow itself to be hijacked in this manner, this is too sad. But as I’ve said, We’ve managed for the most part to take back our local forums and I've seen and know how many people who would never dare post a progressive message before, now do it on a daily basis.
There is nothing like a good dose of consistant reality that sends these freeptards running to their rat holes quicker.
I’ll try and keep this message out there and perhaps someday others will find its importance at the same level as I do.
Thank a lot bro’s, Have a good one.:toast: