They are hiring canvassers in Seattle and Cleveland. 216-650-7221 in Cleveland. launches nonunion group Working America is for workers who agree with labor issues
New York Times
Hoping to increase its political clout, the AFL-CIO announced on Thursday that it was creating a novel organization for nonunion workers who agree with the labor movement on many issues and want to campaign alongside labor on those issues.
Federation officials said they hoped the new organization, to be called Working America, would attract more than 1 million members to lobby Congress and to join demonstrations on issues from raising the minimum wage to stopping the privatization of Social Security.
"There are millions of working people who would like to be part of the AFL-CIO's efforts for social justice and want a voice to speak out and work to change the direction of this country," John Sweeney, the federation's president said at a news conference on Thursday. "Working America will give them this chance."
Labor unions plan to send hundreds of people door to door in working-class neighborhoods to ask sympathetic nonunion workers to join and to contribute some money.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations has begun pilot projects for the new group in Seattle and Cleveland. In Seattle, three people working for seven weeks signed up 1,200 nonunion workers to join Working America, with each canvasser enlisting almost 15 new members a day. About half of the new members made contributions, labor leaders said, with those who contributed giving an average of $16.