against rebellious youngsters, and against suspects and innocent persons who are being interrogated by cops, in our many, many, many TV cop shows. It is sometimes treated as a joke as well. What strikes me about this is that no one--none of the characters, neither the supposed representatives of law and order, nor other characters (non-cop citizens, lawyers, judges), object to it. Everybody simply ACCEPTS that, if you go to prison, you WILL be raped--especially if you are not physically strong and violent (able to, or used to, defending yourself from physical attack).
I first noticed the use of this threat against a young person I knew who was getting into some minor trouble. It was spoken by a cop who intended it as a deterrent. I happened to overhear it. I was not party to the conversation, so I couldn't object. And I doubt that the threat would have been issued if I had been. But it struck me then--as it does now, when I see how frequently it appears in TV shows as a threat or a joke. One character who hates another may wish the other one to go to prison so that he WILL be raped. Cops threaten recalcitrant witnesses with prison not because of some part they played in a crime, but so that they will be punished for their silence by being raped. White collar criminals--"soft" accountants or other non-violent thieves--are told that they will be put in a cell with a beefy lifer who will rape them--for months, for years. And if this is standard fare on TV--that no one questions, that no one seeks to remedy, that no one considers wrong--what may the reality be? Where are the writers getting this idea?
Well, I am very glad for the Stop Prison Rape human rights foundation! God bless their work! This heinous police state that we are living in--that we have allowed to develop--desperately needs cleansing and reform, on this matter and so many others. Something like 70% of U.S. prisoners are in jail with long prison terms, for non-violent crimes--prostitution, drug use, drug peddling, minor theft. This is truly sick. And it is VERY COSTLY--both in dollars, and to society. For if you punish minor offenses with rape and brutality, what kind of society are you, and what are you creating? We would be better off to GIVE the $30,000 per year it costs to imprison non-violent offenders, and tell them, "Here's your chance--get a life!" Or give them $15,000 outright, and spend the rest on drug rehab or whatever medical care they need. Really. I am at that point with this broken justice system. It is a total and complete frigging waste of money, and produces the exact opposite of what we supposedly intend: MORE crime, MORE bad drug use, MORE prostitution, MORE violence, and MORE desperation.
But first we have to reform our election system, and start electing real representatives of the people, who will not take police state lobbying money, and will bring progressive values and real wisdom to government policy. If every human rights group and other progressive groups in the country were to speak as one, and demand transparent vote counting, we might start getting somewhere with restoring democracy and good government. They are "crying in the wilderness" otherwise, when they take their issue to Washington DC.