THE MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION (MBA)—the biggest national lobby of all the banks—including the criminal predatory lenders, that are busy evicting your neighbors, relatives, friends and maybe you from your home—is holding it's annual policy conference in Washington D.C., on April 16 and 17. Their main goal is to make sure that bankers continue to get bailed out while families get tossed out!
This fight is for all of us. Come to D.C. on April 16 bring a bus, van, or a carload of people. Whether you are directly effected by the home foreclosure epidemic, or just outraged that the Government seems ready to give hundreds of billions of dollars to rescue banks from failing while doing nothing for those who are losing their homes, join people from around the country in Washington, D.C. on April 16 to shake up the bankers and wake up the government. Let’s not wait until we’re all homeless.