People say that we billionaires aren't interested in giving back to society.
That's not true! When Karl Rove came to Kansas for a Republican fund-raiser yesterday, we turned out to show our support. Karl Rove is a man to be admired and extolled to the world. He stands on principle!
He doesn't let a little thing like legal niceties or even the US Constitution get in the way of making the rich vastly richer.
We even got a newspaper write up:
Protest over Rove speech is a bit formal
The Wichita Eagle
A Wichita appearance by former White House political aide Karl Rove touched off a little street theater Thursday, with protesters masquerading as millionaires lampooning the man known as "the Architect" of President Bush's electoral victories.
Rove spoke to about 125 Republican activists and supporters who paid $50 a plate -- $150 to have their picture taken with Rove -- at a party fundraiser at the 20th Century Center on North Broadway.
The speech was closed to the news media.
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Outside Rove's speech, about a half-dozen demonstrators showed up in tuxedos, yachting apparel and evening gowns with million-dollar play-money bills poking out of their pockets.
With sparkling cider in champagne glasses, they "toasted" Rove's appearance and waved signs bearing slogans such as: "Widen the wealth inequality gap."
A few people stopped by to join the costumed demonstrators and expressed their own disdain over Rove's role in building the case for the invasion of Iraq.
"I think this war has gone too far," said Christina Blanchard. "Too many of our loved ones are dying over there."
Harry Furst stood with the demonstrators in a cap from the amphibious assault ship USS Guam, on which he served in the 1970s.
He said he was angered that the military was diverted to Iraq instead of tracking down Osama Bin Laden after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
"I'm a veteran and I think I speak for a lot of veterans," he said. "I won't say most of them, because that's what Rove and his cronies do. They never wore the uniform, but they sent good men and women into harm's way." are some photos.