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State Health Care Justice Leaders Conference Call
hosted by Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN)
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008 · 12:55 - 2 pm (E) Please use a land line phone when possible for better reception. Press 6 to mute your line; press 6 again to be heard. Thank you!
Call: 517/417-5000 · Access code: 2800520#
Initial Agenda
** Unity Initiative Takes Off!
Mark Hannay, Chair, UHCAN and Director, Metro NY Health Care for All metrohealth@ igc.org
** Equity an Emerging Issue in Efforts to Achieve Health Care for All
Jennifer Ng'andu, National Council of La Raza jngandu@nclr. org Rea Panares, Families USA rpanares@familiesus a.org New report by Families USA and Opportunity Agenda - "Identifying and Evaluating Equity Provisions in State Health Care Reform" - download from www.familiesusa. org
** Developing a Health Care Narrative to Overcome Barriers to Building the Health Care Base Information available and sign-up for presentations at www.herndonalliance .org . Robert Crittenden, MD, Director, Herndon Alliance <docbob@u.washington .edu>
** Help for States to Establish A Voice for Small Businesses Supporting Health Care Reform Terry Gardiner, Small Business for Affordable Health Care <terry@solutionsthat endure.org>
Updates and Announcements:
· Multi-cultural Interfaith Health Care Reform Meeting (6/2-4/08) Develops Action Plan to Engage Faith Communities Linda Walling, Director, Faithful Reform in Health Care walling@faithfulref orm.org
· June 11: Conference call (2-3:30 pm E) - "Small Business and Health Reform - Making It Work" Hosted by Community Catalyst - to sign up email Jacquie Anderson at qnguyen@communityca talyst.org · June 19: National Day of Action Protesting Insurance Company Denials and Rejections Protests being organized at the san Francisco convention of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and other cities For information: www.singlepayernow. net or www.healthcare- now.org · June 26: Conference Call (3 - 4:30 pm E) - Raising Women's Voices for the Health Care We Need to announce next steps following April national conference For information email: Lois Uttley <lois@mergerwatch. org>
· July 8: Official Launch of HCAN campaign Lots happening between now and big coalition announcement in DC and 35 state capitals - for information www.healthcareforam ericanow. org Melinda Gibson, Operations Director, Health Care for America Now! campaign <mgibson@healthcaref oramericanow. org>
· July 17: Global Day of Action Targets Corporate Buyout Firms Actions and petition campaign organized by Americans for Health Care and SEIU and others in the U.S. and 25 countries to demand accountability for corporate buyout firms that maximize profits at expense of patient care and staff working conditions - for information www.americansforhea lthcare.org STATES
**Minnesota: New Coordinated Campaign and "Health Care Advocacy Table" Liz Doyle, Policy Director, Take Action Minnesota liz@takeactionminne sota.org
**Oregon: Small Business Organization Expanding Voice of Business in HC Reform Christine Chin Ryan <ccryan@synergyhq. com>
** West Virginia: Universal Health Care Studies Underway
* * * * * Rachel DeGolia, Director Universal Health Care Action Network degolia@uhcan. org 216/241-8422, x-14 Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN) 2800 Euclid Avenue, Suite 520 Cleveland, OH 44115