I see now that I'm replying to one who is no longer with us...
So replying to myself, in case the post is deleted along with the poster...
Thank you for asking. As soon as I received it, posted without research....
http://worcester.indymedia.org/news/2004/09/289.php(2004 article regarding demonstration)
I could not access the Worcester Indymedia calendar for September 2008.
I will contact the organizers directly, but from the site that I just found, it appears that this is a 'military humanitarian' organization. Because of the peace groups' stance, it appears to be a major recruiting tool glorifying war/military service:
http://www.spiritofamerica.net/site/inthenewsMission and Objectives
Spirit of America's mission is to extend the goodwill of the American people to assist those advancing freedom, democracy and peace abroad. We provide support to those on the front lines: American military and civilian personnel and people who call to Americans for help in their struggle for freedom and democracy.
Our objectives include:
Increase the reach, scale and impact of the informal humanitarian activities that take place on the front lines in troubled regions.
Contribute charitable goods that can have a positive, practical and timely impact in the local communities where American personnel are involved.
Establish connections and strengthen bonds between the American people and those in countries struggling for freedom and democracy.
Spirit of America is a 501c3 nonprofit supported solely through private-sector contributions. Our Federal Tax ID number is 20-1687786. Donations to Spirit of America and the projects we feature are tax deductible.
Some of our supporters see Spirit of America as a way to help people who have suffered from repression, terrorism and war. Others see us as a way to support our troops by helping them succeed with their mission. And others see Spirit of America as a way to help win the war on terror and advance freedom, democracy and peace. We are all of those things.
From attendees:
http://www.metaphoria.org/ac4t0410.htmlhttp://cltg.org/cltg/barbara/2004/04-09-16_Spirit_of_America.htm2004 Indymedia:
http://nhindymedia.org/newswire/display/1356/index.phpHope this hastily put together Google search helped.....