This project is sponsored by the Strategy Workshop. Eric Mar for Supervisor, the Network of Spiritual Progressives, Peter Gabel, and Michael Wong have endorsed. Roma Guy and I are serving on the planning committee.
The agenda for this event is presented below, as is an article, "Post-Election Workshop," that presents the rationale for the workshop. These materials are a condensed version of the material that I sent you previously.
We hope you can get involved, perhaps by joining the Strategy Workshop group on Facebook and commenting on the article, "Post-Election Workshop."
Yours, Wade Hudson
Post-Election Workshop Sat., Nov. 8, 12 Noon - 3 PM San Francisco location to be determined
Following lunch, we'll first review our mission, which is:
to help transform the global social system by: 1) establishing a new purpose for our society – that is, to promote the common good, nurture our personal development, empower our communities, and protect the environment. 2) reforming our institutions, our culture, and ourselves to serve that purpose.
Then we'll evaluate options for action, including:
--Transforming the Democratic Party --A Community of Home-Based Teams --A Million Member Monthly Mobilization --Community Dialogues with Elected Officials --Post-Election Debriefings
Then the participants will develop action plans. If need be, we'll form small groups composed of individuals interested in working on each action to set a time and place to meet later.
Post-Election Workshop
By Wade Hudson
To "change the system" and "transform the world" as proposed by Barack Obama will require a massive, unified, grassroots movement that is joyous, democratic, and mutually supportive. The energy gathering to elect Obama President needs to stay together after the election to implement the goals of the campaign. To contribute to this effort, on Saturday, November 8, the Strategy Workshop will convene a "Post-Election Workshop" in San Francisco to discuss and evaluate specific possibilities for action and consider whether and how to act on them. If you can't join us in San Francisco, you're invited to convene a similar workshop in your region.
Whatever the outcome of the election, the wealthy elite will continue to exercise disproportionate influence over Congress. Our social system will continue, first of all, to protect the wealth and power of the wealthy and powerful. To change these realities fundamentally, we must be the change we seek.
A deep commitment to democracy affects one's whole life. How we work is as important as whether we win. The process is as important as the product.
This commitment involves learning minute-by-minute how to live fuller, richer, and more compassionate lives. Becoming a better person is a never-ending work-in-progress. To be successful in these efforts, we need to be honest with ourselves and we need support from friends and family.
Our modern world is increasingly hyper-specialized, materialistic, individualistic, competitive, and dehumanized. These patterns carry over into progressive organizations. Fragmentation, burnout, disrespect, a general atmosphere of negativity, and other chronic problems weaken the progressive movement and turn away potential activists. We must learn how to overcome those powerful social forces, address our own weaknesses, and grow strong communities that sustain us over time.
The Post-Election Workshop is based on the following mission statement:
to help transform our global social system by:
1. establishing a new purpose for our society – that is, to promote our common good, nurture our personal development, empower our communities, and protect our environment -- and
2. reforming our institutions, our culture, and ourselves to serve that purpose.
One possible action to be considered at the Nov. 8 workshop is "Democratic Party Action Teams." This option proposes persuading the Democratic Party on all levels to: 1) recommend to its members each month that they take some specific action to influence public policy on a top-priority, timely issue; 2) encourage its members to engage regularly in community service to help meet unmet needs, and; 3) encourage its members to meet at least once a month in one of their homes as an Action Team to share a meal, develop supportive friendships, and consider whether and how to support the Party's recommended political action.
Another option for action envisions close friends and family members making a clear commitment to self-development and mutual support, as well as political action and community service. At least once a month, participants would meet to discuss these efforts and make joint decisions. These groups could affiliate with one another to form "A Community of Home-Based Teams."
Another option, "A Million Member Monthly Mobilization," proposes a coalition of national organizations to communicate monthly with Congresspersons in support of a specific proposal for action. This coalition could include the Democratic Party and the Community of Home-Based Teams.
Another option, "Community Dialogues with Elected Officials," presents a simple format for public forums to enable incumbents and constituents to learn from one another. Both Democratic Party Action Teams and the Community of Home-Based Teams could participate in these forums as a way to fulfill their commitment to political action.
Another option, "Post-Election Debriefings," proposes that Obama activists conduct house meetings after the election to debrief, evaluate their efforts, and consider continuing as a team to pursue the campaign's goals. Those individuals who decide to work together could form a Democratic Party Acton Team and/or affiliate with the Community of Home-Based Teams.
Between now and November 8, the Post-Election Workshop planning committee may modify or add to this list of action options. We want all who are interested to offer suggestions and new ideas
Please let us know if you want to get involved. For more info, go to the Strategy Workshop group on Facebook.com, where under Events, you can RSVP for the Post-Election Workshop, post a comment, or click on "create related event" to announce your own Nov. 8 workshop.
Together we can make lasting change.