We are excited !
you must be subscribed to our newsletter !
You must subscribe to this to keep up with what's going on!
We are also for the first time ever opening subscriptions to outside DFW !
In a few weeks we will mark the second anniversary of our e-newsletter and we are so thrilled to announce a big change. Our new umbrella organization and the name of the newsletter will now be North Texas Progressive (
http://www.northtexasprogressive.org ). The new website will serve as our umbrella site and, in addition to the newsletter; we will also have a new active blog, new progressive media page as well as a page promoting progressive talk radio. We are fired up and ready to go and we know the next few months are crucial and we are going to ramp up our efforts !
Nothing will change with our beloved 4-year-old parent group, Dallas Air America, and its' Yahoo group, MeetUp and Book Club. DAA was originally begun as a fan group of the Air America Radio Network when it began in April 2004 with hosts Al Franken and Janeane Garafolo. In 2005 Dallas got it's first AAR station that station( KXEB) was sold in 2006. When Dallas lost that original Air America station members of the Dallas Air America group helped to create this weekly newsletter as a way to keep fans together and keep everyone informed.
Our newsletter has provided an important, dependable and trustworthy place for thousands of North Texans to get local and national news as well as announcements of regional progressive and Democratic events. We have delivered over 100 free weekly newsletters to first hundreds and now thousands of subscribers every Monday morning for almost two years. We know that North Texas has a pitiful corporate media scene and we know all too well that if we are going to get information out about a speaker, event, fundraiser or action we've have to get the information out through emails and chat groups. We have certainly learned over these last few years that we must truly BE THE MEDIA!
We are also very excited about expanding our local reporting, which will now include photos, video, video streaming events, blogging, podcasting, using social networking sites (i.e. MySpace) and even twittering. Also several members of our group will become our first citizen journalists and they will help us better report on local events, but we can't do it alone. That's where you come in, we can't do this without you! We want to know about your events and we will announce it and promote it. We want you to submit photos, videos, or other records of the event afterward so folks can see and hear the event.
o Please check out our new webpage to see our exciting new portal to North Texas Progressive and Democratic groups, activities and information.
o We want to maintain a list of active groups and organizations- please contact us if you have a group that you'd like to have listed.
o Send us your news and event announcements.
o And please consider sponsoring the newsletters , sponsoring only costs $20 and reaches many like-minded people or you can just make a donation.
o Let us know what you think. Comments, suggestions?
Thanks, Nancy Cunningham northtexasprogressive@gmail.com