the website announcement instructions on how to help recently launched sub-project (from DUer Guvwurld) that we are championing DU Activists,
Scoop Independent News is running an awareness campaign around US Election Integrity. We are giving away 5 million advertising impressions aimed at our US based audience to promote US Election Integrity activism.
The campaign has several components and we could use some help. At present the work is being done by myself, Michael Collins, a US based intern we have working for us (till December) and a couple of Kiwi students.
We could certainly use some assistance particularly from people with design, email, wordpress, media/web skills stateside.
If you are interested email us at, or PM me or post below and I or part of our team will get in touch.
Alastair Thompson Co-Founder, Co-Editor and General Manager
Althecat on DU