I have been in contact with the Obama campaign since before they won the primary. It seems self-evident to me, that no "progressive" or agent of change can be taken too seriously unless they plan to radically improve our Campaign Finance & Election systems. Therefore, I have been sending the Obama campaign detailed plans on simple ways we could correct these broken processes, with the hope that I would be hired to help implement them after the election. I have been told that such decisions will be made soon after the election, but I was thinking that my chances would be greatly improved if members of this community would send e-mails to the Obama campaign asking two things:
1. For him to start caring about Campaign Finance & Election Reform. He has hardly mentioned it at all, and neither has Joe Biden ever since he lost the primary. 2. Ask them to hire me, and I promise that I will ALWAYS be open to ideas & contributions from the passionate people here at DU. In fact, an important stage of the plan I sent to them includes an "idea gathering" period, which includes solicitations from progressive sites like this and several conferences with authorities on the subject.
Although I have other plans in motion which may really help the cause, e-mail from earnest and concerned citizens can't hurt. I am not sure if it is appropriate, or allowed, to put my name here, but oh well. If you do decide to send them an e-mail, my name is Jonah Spring and I am from Florida. And thank you to all the people who have seen a similar plea on other sites and already sent one. There is no reason some of these changes haven't been made already.....and if we have to use pressure or shame to make it happen ourselves, I think we have the passion and the manpower to give it a good shot. Take care everyone, and I hope Nov 4th is a happy day for everyone here. (And if not, I will see you at the riots, lol!)