This probably has something to do with the fact the "American" "Family" Association is boycotting the two companies.
But even though is a double boycott, the two companies refuse to give up their recognizance of the reality that gay people actually exist, and their stocks refuse to go down.
So, what's the Christian Right's solution?
Get LOUDER and CrraAaazZIEEerrrRR!!!11!
"The only way to conter these in moral act's of supporting these no moral's people is to stop buying their product and dont go back to them when they stop supporting these non human forms of life. The only way for these in morals is to pepent their sins to God and ask for his forgiveness.""This is one bad company they support anything not moral tell friends about this bad company and their product line so they know not to buy anything they have on the market.They also support the socialist Gov. you know the people that want to tell you what to drive where to go what to eat take your money and give to worthless bum that want work or all they do is lay on their behind and make baby."
Link"We are building a force against your radical ways. The time of tolerance is over!"
LinkWe sat by and watched the AFA attack Ford, we can sit around no longer, we must support these two companies and protect them from attacks by the Christian Right.