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Call Senators Now

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november3rd Donating Member (653 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 10:38 AM
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Call Senators Now
Well, even a sure thing isn't a sure thing unless you DO IT.

"Word on the street is that phone calls to Congress are running 100 to 1", against President Obama's stimulus package.

Bernie Horn over at Campaign for America's Future says:

That means pick up the telephone and call 202-224-3121 (or use the toll-free service at 866-544-7573). Ask the Capitol operator to transfer you to one of your state’s U.S. senators. When you’re connected, say you’re calling to urge your senator to “support the Obama economic recovery plan and oppose all conservative amendments.” Call back and repeat for your other senator. Then contact everyone you know and urge them to do the same.

Here’s what’s at stake. If enacted, President Obama’s economic recovery plan will be the biggest and boldest progressive legislation in the past 40 years. These are just some of the highlights:

$142 billion for a middle-class tax cut
$47 billion to extend unemployment benefits
$16 billion to expand food stamps
$17 billion in one-time payments to low-income Americans
$26 billion to expand access to health care
$87 billion to help states pay for Medicaid
$24 billion to modernized health information technology
$46 billion to fix bridges and roads
$80 billion to improve public education
$19 billion for school construction
$14 billion to make college more affordable

Make the calls today, Undergrounders. This is what we do to win.

In case you missed it

pick up the telephone and call 202-224-3121 (or use the toll-free service at 866-544-7573). Ask the Capitol operator to transfer you to one of your state’s U.S. senators. When you’re connected, say you’re calling to urge your senator to "support the Obama economic recovery plan and oppose all conservative amendments." Call back and repeat for your other senator. Then contact everyone you know and urge them to do the same.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 10:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. Done! n/t
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 10:44 AM
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2. Thanks for the reminder!
and the phone numbers.
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we can do it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 11:00 AM
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3. Proud To Be #5- Come On People Lets Work It
Benn trying George Voinovich all morning - did get through to Harry Reid and Sherrod Brown
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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 11:01 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I thought I was #5!
Edited on Wed Feb-04-09 11:01 AM by bananas
I guess you beat me to it!
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we can do it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 11:07 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. The More the Better!
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Triana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 11:40 AM
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6. K & R! n/t
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Mojorabbit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 11:44 AM
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7. I called Mel Martinez office in DC
and the mailbox is full. I called locally yesterday.
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we can do it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 12:21 PM
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8. Kick for More Help
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sfpcjock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 01:50 PM
Response to Original message
9. Great that totals $518 billion
Edited on Wed Feb-04-09 01:54 PM by sfpcjock
Call your senators and tell them to pass the above listed measures, strip out any Reflubnican tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires if they can and to let the opposition do a real talking filibuster to their hearts content.

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Coexist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 04:24 PM
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10. I had to call their local offices, b/c their DC voicemails were full, I emailed them too

I hope you don't mind, I linked to this from GD to give it a few more eyes.

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MrMickeysMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-04-09 10:14 PM
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11. Done! Damn that Arlen Specter...
His Washington voice mail is always maxed out, so I had to call the local Pittsburgh number, which left a message. I reminded them to clear the Washington voice mail bucket.

This piece of work must do his "pro-con' statistics based on it being full after all the conservative low brows saturating calls first. It's the magic bullet theory of "pro-con", and he's the magic bullet king!
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