----- Original Message ----- From: lisa_marston To: Parents_of_Lyme_Kids@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:46 AM Subject: Please email this in defence of Lyme activist Kathleen Dickson
Calling all Lymies! Please email and further circulate the protest below.Thanks. ------- Dear friends, Please defend Kathleen Dickson, victimised for defending the right of patients to the truth, against the might of corrupt government and multi-national corporations. Email the protest letter below,(or write your own) to the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union and the Hartford Courant, with copies to Kathleen and to me. Please act immediately.Thank you. Lisa Masterson London, England
Here are the four email addresses:
tyounger@cclu.org, baggott@courant.com,lisam01502@aol.com, janmusinski@earthlink.net
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Dear Mr.Baggott,
On 23 October 2003, Connecticut resident Kathleen Dickson must go to court yet again to defend herself from false allegations by the Dept. of Children and Families. It is no accident that this is happening to Kathleen. A former Pfizer analytical chemist, Kathleen's knowledge about Lyme Disease testing procedures, as well as her outrage at injustice, led her to become prominent in exposing the corruption at the heart of the controversy over this disease, now acknowledged to be the second fastest-growing infectious illness after AIDS.
. Her testimony and activism helped to take down Glaxo's dangerous LymeRix vaccine, forced Rhode Island legislators to take the issue of Lyme bio-markers seriously,and is currently the main force behind an official racketeering complaint filed with the US Dept of Justice naming some of the biggest and most powerful players in the world of medical fraud. All these activities benefit patients, both in the US and abroad, enormously.Lyme is an extremely debilitating disease whose huge range of symptoms can often lead to misdiagnosis. Without early or sufficient treatment, it often develops into a severe disabling form which can affect virtually every system in the body. The involvement of insurance, biotech and other industries in Lyme disease spin; their sponsorship and lobbying of government, medical and academic institutions, has led to a denial of this reality. Diagnostic criteria were altered so as not to interfere with the profits of vaccine or test-kit makers, local tourism and real estate industries,among others.In the US and abroad, issues of harm and neglect in governmental handling of this disease were covered up. This has meant that the number of adults and children denied treatment or even denied correct diagnosis in the first place may run into millions.
Those who, like Kathleen, had the courage to speak out, were rewarded with serious threats and repression. Doctors such as Joseph Burrascano who are independent of the big corporations have come under tremendous pressure to submit to the racketeers. Some have buckled under this pressure; some have been forced to help patients in secret; some have had their licenses removed and two have committed suicide. In those areas where Lyme is not officially acknowledged to be endemic (much of the US as well as western Europe) unreliable blood testing procedures are used to maintain artificially low statistics. Patients who challenge this "norm"are accused of hypochondria; parents of Lyme kids may have their children removed under allegations of Munchausen's-by-proxy.
Kathleen Dickson filed racketeering complaints to the United States Department of Justice in which she named senior medical figures at Yale University. She has accused the Governor of Connecticut, and top officers of the CDC of complicity in the Lyme cover-up. According to Kathleen, corrupt scientists suppressed their own findings that could have provided more reliable diagnostic tests. "Effective therapies have not been funded.,"explains Kathleen," Rather, the chronic waste of NIH funding into the RICO network created by the ALDF.com/EUCALB and Yale University, has brought increased disability burden to this country, and is an enormous crime, affecting three continents."
We demand an end to the persecution of Kathleen Dickson, and of her children,who are having nightmares that they will be removed from the mother they love, as a result of baseless and politically motivated accusations.
tyounger@cclu.org, baggott@courant.com,lisam01502@aol.com, janmusinski@earthlink.net