'Transparent' White House blacklists 'birthers'
Obama eligibility topic missing from plans for next phase of dialogue
Posted: June 04, 2009
12:00 am Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Despite the "open government dialogue" website being overrun with posts addressing the eligibility issue, the White House appears to be moving on with its plans while ignoring concerns from thousands of people about Barack Obama's elusive "long-form" birth certificate.
"We read and considered all the proposals," Beth Noveck, White House deputy chief technology officer for open government, said in a statement on the White House website. "We took the voting into account when assessing your enthusiasm for a submission, but only somewhat in evaluating relevance."
She continued, "The ideas that received the most organized support were not necessarily the most viable suggestions."
As WND reported, many of the top-rated threads have been from citizens calling on Obama to release his birth certificate. There were more than 200 individual threads and thousands of comments on the eligibility issue alone, but moderators repeatedly edited dialogue about the birth certificate.
Let Obama and everyone else know you care about the Constitution. Take part in the WND's "Where's the Birth Certificate?" billboard campaign!
WND observed the "Making Data More Accessible" section for several hours Tuesday as more suggestions appeared, and at least 60 were subsequently removed on the first page alone – all requests for the president to submit proof of citizenship.
-much more Here is the White House Open Government Dialogue website