Edited on Tue Aug-25-09 09:47 AM by urgk
"The media is not a contestant on reality TV, beholden to the mood swings of other roommates. It is a watchdog -- an integral part of a robust, functional Democracy. It is the media's job to report events, not to try to guide them. If reporting on major international stories like Blackwater's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan or the degree to which American interrogators have broken the rules of the Geneva convention causes Congress to divert resources, so be it. There is absolutely nothing more patriotic, more fundamentally American than basing national policy on truth, transparency and the pursuit of justice.
Mr. Todd, in short, it is not your place to decide how news events change the course of events, it is your job to report them.
And NBC, if you want to beat FOX in the ratings, don't try to out-FOX them, change the game. While they (along with CNN) are racing for the lowest common denominator, reach back into the glory days of the news for real newsmen. Find the next Cronkite, not the next clown. Cover the important stories. Beat Huffingtonpost to the punch. If you bring absolute honesty to evening news, you have a product that no one else can (or is willing to) bring to the public. Try spending more money on real journalism than on focus groups. Allocate your resources to dig deep into real news rather than whitening the teeth of beauty contestants with more hairspray than moral fiber. Look at the numbers for Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and websites like MediaMatters.org combined. NBC's evening news could have those numbers."
If anyone else would like to add your voice, try e-mailing them at nightly@nbc.com
{Note - On edit, I'd change the wording of the line about HuffPost, Maddow and Olbermann gaining viewers (thanks SteppingRazor for pointing out something I'm a bit embarrassed not to have caught initially). But, even with the wrong info., that's what I sent, so I'd better leave it like that. D*** it.}