WE MUST HAVE HEALTHCARE REFORM. Sen. Lincoln is the last holdout to get it to a floor debate. Please call her right now. Below is the contact info. and the quotes from her website saying that she is for reform and against the Republican lies. Please tell her staff that she needs to please stand by her statements and support healthcare reform TODAY. Thanks.
Sen. Lincoln's Washington, DC office: 202-224-4843; Fax: 202-228-1371.
"Unfortunately, opponents of reform, who have no real plan for improving health care, are already using the tired arguments of the past. They say that Congress is trying to create “more government” or a “Washington takeover” of health care, which will raise your taxes, get between you and your doctor, and eliminate private insurance. It’s a strategy that spreads misinformation and generates fear in order to preserve the status quo. Arkansans should not be misled by those who oppose real reform.
I am under no illusion that achieving meaningful health care reform will be an easy task. However, I am committed to reform because Arkansans must have certainty that if they get sick, they will have options to receive stable, affordable, and high-quality health care.
Congress is on the verge of developing a health care policy that will work better for everyone, and we cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away. Our health care crisis was not created overnight, and it will not be fixed overnight. It will take all of us—individuals, employers, insurers, and providers—to share in the responsibility and come together to make this possible. We know that government cannot do it alone. The key is to take what works and make it better for the next generation of Arkansans. We can no longer afford to sit back and do nothing."