"The Truth Trounces Tyranny" Below is a Press Release announcing the formation of the Drench Kiss Media Corporation, a collaboration between Sander Hicks, Founder of Soft Skull Press, and Charles Shaw, Founder of Newtopia Magazine. Drench Kiss will have its formal launch at a press conference on Halloween in New York City. We would appreciate any exposure you could offer us, and we are available for questions, comments and interviews. Thank you for your time and consideration, Sander Hicks Charles Shaw Founders - Drench Kiss Media Corporation ____________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
CONTACT: Sander Hicks: (505) 310-2146,(sanderhicksdotcom@yahoo.com)
Charles Shaw: (773) 334-6989, (charles@newtopiamagazine.net)
OCTOBER 20, 2003
NEW YORK (NY) On Friday October 31st at 4 PM at the Small Press Center in New York City, Sander Hicks, founder of Soft Skull Press, and Charles Shaw, founder of Newtopia Magazine, will announce the formation of the Drench Kiss Media Corporation.
With the vitality of youth and the wisdom of experience Sander Hicks and Charles Shaw have a long track record ruffling establishment feathers and threatening the political life of the Bush Administration. On the 31st, they will announce Drench Kiss first title, 9/11 Whistleblowers: The Authoritative Guide to the Case against the Official Story of 9/11, edited by Kyle Hence and Sander Hicks (Summer/Fall 2004). Author Kyle Hence will read a short statement and all parties will be available for questions.
Since 9/11, Bush has waged two wars that have done little for freedom and democracy and much for augmenting the position of the US as the strategic lynchpin of Central Asia. NY Times columnist Paul Krugman called the forged justifications for the attack on Iraq a scandal that dwarfs Watergate. His reasoned analysis is rare in this world of big corporate media, where image and sentiment drown out intelligent analysis. Drench Kiss Media is a multi- media attack that includes print publishing, new media, and innovative projects in television and film. DKMC publishes books that are so truthful, so powerful, other publishers are frightened of them. We will examine secrets currently unexamined and broaden the parameters of public discourse set currently by the Establishment media.
Sander Hicks founded Soft Skull Press in 1992 and became well known in 2000 for publishing the controversial Bush biography Fortunate Son, the subject of the critically-acclaimed documentary Horns & Halos. In 2001, Hicks took a leave of absence following the smear campaign and suicide of Fortunate Son author Jim Hatfield. He incorporated DKMC in July 2003. In 2002 Charles Shaw founded online political journal Newtopia Magazine following four years as scriptwriter for the groundbreaking political radio news show Reality Check with Harrison. Reality Check reported neglected truths about John Ashcroft during the current Attorney General’s confirmation hearings! As a result, the show was dropped from syndication in early 2001, due to the blitzkrieg response of the conservative-controlled radio industry.
Hicks, Shaw and Hence will be on hand to answer questions. A cocktail reception will follow.
PRESS CONFERENCE: Friday, October 31, 2003, Small Press Center: 20 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036-6604, (505) 310-2146