Edited on Fri Mar-11-11 10:22 PM by peopleb4money
Here's some thoughts I wanted to share with people. I just want someone to hear them. If our species doesn't go extinct within the following weeks, do to the nuclear melt down's in Japan from the Tsunami, I would hope that our species, as well as the whole evolutionary record and struggle on this planet doesn't go down in vain do to some other human imposed catastrophe. The thought of it all ending has made me want to mobilize and try to do my part to bring about a truly democratic world, especially in the wake of all these uprisings within these regions run by autocratic dictatorships. This has shown me how real it all is. If we get through this, I would like to just do something that would do away with ideology altogether. I'd like to create a political party in which representatives don't just vote their own whim but are held accountable to the needs and wants of the people within their domains and districts regardless of even whether they voted for them or not.
I think everyone is an individual, and that everyone is really a mix of liberal and conservative views. The purists are really the minority and probably the least aware and most manipulated. With the current form of representative democracy, we have to roughly approximate our views to that of the candidates. In the end, a lot of people are sacrificing their own concerns, and there's not even any guarantee that a politician will keep their campaign promises or not do something drastic that they didn't even campaign on. The threat of not being re-elected is not enough of a threat to keep them in line either. They need the threat of being removed from office in the middle of their term by petition too. They can always fall on the excuse that times changed to work against the needs of the people. I would like to have a form democratic party (which a small d) where representatives vote specifically based on polls taken from people in their region, whether through internet or telephone polls. How this would be done effectively in a practical application is something that needs to be done through a rational, lengthy debate process, but I'm sure it can be done. If anyone is interested, please send me a PM, and we'll try to organize. I feel guilty that I hadn't pursued this earlier, especially now with the possible threat of mass death on the horizon.
If there's a God out there, I hope that he/she allows the human experiment to move forward. I think there's potential in what the universe can learn about itself. Were on the verge of becoming a democratic world and a space age society. To the universal soul, VALIS, God, the holy trinity, synchronicity, the collective unconscious, the Godhead, or whatever it may be, I apologize for what my species has done to itself over the ages. I have equally great optimism and despair at this moment. I'm sorry for how we've treated one another. Maybe the human ego is too strong for us to ever live peacefully. I think its very possible though, and I think humanity could have a wonderful future. This is one of those moments where, if there is a deity, it can choose to wipe us out for our ugliness or allow us to continue for our beauty. Maybe we'll just be overwhelmed by the chaotic demiurge of the universe that seems to have full reign too at times. I love every human being on the face of the earth, and I hope the best for everyone.