I don't think that the national discourse is so much about the exchange of ideas as it is people trying to put people in their place by being a stupid moron for not believing everything they believe. I think politicians, the media, and the elites use this to pit the public against itself. A lot of people don't even want to bother with finding common ground. All to often, the moment they find out the other person doesn't agree with them on one thing, they're completely dismissive of them and don't really want to hear anything else they have to say. What we have is people picking teams. We have a one party system with a 2 party facade, and people buy into it. They basically have the same policies but act like there's real differences when they're on the campaign trail. The whole culture war's fabricated to keep Americans in a perpetual state of division. The last thing the globalists, multinational corporations, the NWO as some call it, the Bilderbergers, the top fraction of a percentage that own all of us want is for the American public to be in agreement about certain things.
I don't really care what people want to call the agenda that's eroding away the middle class, as well as our civil liberties. All I care is that people identify there's a problem and do something to stop it. I don't really care if you believe in global warming or not. If you agree that our dependence on foreign oil is funding genocidal, despotic regimes in Africa and the middle east and that its harming the environment in other severe ways like with the gulf oil spill, then lets figure out something to change that. Just because I believe there's a high possibility that our ice caps might be melting at the rate they are because, within the span of a century, were rapidly pumping billions of tons of a substance into the atmosphere each year that's been sequestered in the earths crust for hundreds of millions of years doesn't mean I think carbon taxes are a good idea. I think its a scam cooked up by big oil to give them a pass to pollute and kill competition.
Same with the WTC conspiracy people. I'm not convinced it was staged by the government, but I agree that the government took advantage of it. I also agree the way tower 7 collapsed looked suspicious and that Project Northwood lends credibility to it, but I didn't hear any explosions go off in any of the footage. I think that fake, cgi video of Osama Bin Laden where he's expressing anti-globalist, anti-corporate, moderate Islamic views is probably a tactic by the CIA to associate political dissidents with terrorism so that its easier to justify throwing them into detention centers to the public whenever they decide to usher in a new era of neo-Mccarthyism. I think much of Afghanistan has to do with CIA officials controlling the worlds opium supplies, which some would call me a fringe nut for. Considering the Iran-Contra affair, this doesn't seem far fetched to me, as well as the bullshit excuses the media have given for why our troops are guarding opium fields.
Whether 9/11 was staged or not, the government is doing some evil shit right now, and they have in the past, like supporting Suharto when he waged a genocide against nearly a million people in East Timor over oil, the CIA funding psychiatrists in Canada to develop torture techniques on unsuspecting mental patients that they later trained despotic regimes in South America later to utilize to control their populace, the government making the massive debt of large banks public, privatizing the military, etc etc.
People might not agree with me, but I really don't care if they buy into everything I buy into. People get too offended when others don't completely agree with them. All I care is that we get some common ground and break the monopoly that mega-corporations have on our government. Common ground is the last thing they want.