OccupyNow! Communique #4: Call to action: Shut Down Port of Houston!
December 6th 2011 It has come to the attention of OccupyNow! that our brothers and sisters from Occupy Oakland have put a call out for all west coast occupies to directly disrupt the economic apparatus of the 1% by shutting down all west coast ports on Dec 12th. OccupyNow! recognizes that ALL Occupy related movements are one. When one of us is raided, we are all raided. When one of us is dispersed, we are all dispersed. When one of us is brutalized, we are ALL brutalized. In the same spirit, when one Occupy movement puts out a call to action, it is the revolutionary responsibility of all able-bodied occupiers to respond appropriately. Therefore, OccupyNow!, at our November 28th Revolutionary Council meeting put out a call to action for ALL Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and other gulf coast occupies to converge on the Port of Houston on December 12th 2011. OccupyNow! has hosted numerous conference calls with Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Houston, Occupy San Antonio, Occupy Laredo, and others in order to coordinate a mass demonstration on the Port of Houston and we have been met with nothing but enthusiasm and optimism. It is the opinion of OccupyNow! that in order to maintain solidarity and cohesion with eachother as a movement more actions like these are necessary. This is an official call to action. Brothers and sisters...it is time. It is time for the forgotten to remind the world that they exist and that they have value! It is time for the working class to rise and remind the 1%, that it is the worker who truly controls the means of production, not the CEO! It is time for the youth to rise and take control of their future, if indeed they desire to have one. It is time...for Revolution. There are those who say that we, as a nation, are not ready, that the world is not ready, that we must wait another 10, 20, or 30 years before real change is enacted. Brothers and sisters, OccupyNow! Completely rejects these sentiments. We believe that the time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always RIGHT NOW! Join us at the Port of Houston on Dec 12th. It is time.