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In search of a way to get a clear message out

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jackemoe Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 01:50 PM
Original message
In search of a way to get a clear message out
to the entire nation, especially those opposed to what the bush administration and it's policies are doing to both the US and the world.

To those opposed to bush's failed wars.

To those opposed to the utter destruction and chaos our nation and the middle east have endured for the past 3 long years under this regime.

To those who want to get a message out that they are opposed to what is happening to America.

To those who will not let the right-wing extremists rule our nation...Into the ground.

To those who see wars as profit-centers, employees as expendable and soldiers as wealth generators.

To those who feel that America is in the midst of it's most divisive time since the Civil War that want to halt the destructive policies this administration have waged upon America and the world

To those who want simply to make themselves heard in a simple and democratic way.

To those who want change and want it now.

This idea is simple and I would like to begin a discussion on how best to get this message out by means of a non-violent protest.

I propose a National Day of Protest across all of America with simplicity at it's core. Just a simple National Day of SILENT Protest in the form of a >sick-out<.

Anyone and everyone against this outlaw regime known around the world as the bush administration will make known their opposition by engaging in a national sick-out day of protest.

No marches.
No speeches.
No riots.
No vocal protests.

Just a day where everyone expresses themselves by targeting this rogue regime with the only weapon it uses and understands itself. Money.

To further this discussion some ideas need to be formulated on how best to start, setting a target date and the tactics involved and in getting the message out in a clear and concise way.

If you all feel it's worthy of a shot, you can email me at:

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the ether Donating Member (209 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 03:30 PM
Response to Original message
1. very very

I think that there are so many issues and methods with so many different groups its impossible to have a consensus regarding the issues and methods...that's why i've proposed for everyone to just agree on the time.

The same time, different place, different campaigns, but the same general goal.

Social development, social change, something new, dropping the status of this stillstand that we seem to be in, in this society.

2nd of every month....countdown till the election.....

come to the ether, take back your country
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lapauvre Donating Member (387 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-03 08:37 PM
Response to Original message
2. I replied privately, but...
here's for the room.

I have been thinking the same thing for years.
It is a wonderful idea, and, to a degree, it may work. But there are some, including yours truly, who could not participate. Police, fireman and medical professionals are necessary to human life.

However, on my part, I can refuse to buy anything--and I do mean ANYTHING--on any date that can be set nationally. I can also write a letter to my local newspaper informing my right wing local yokels in South Carolina's State Capitol.

And I go on political chat--a lot! So keep me informed and let me know.
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the ether Donating Member (209 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-03 08:55 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Great way to bypass the Media

says it all there....
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