I'm speaking at an Ohio Rally for Dean in January and I want to talk about the power of being ASKED to do something, which I think is a key component to the success of the Dean campaign.
I heard someone somewhere on television talking about a post 9/11 request for socks for NYC firefighters and how they were overwhelmed by the response. As in hundreds of thousands of pairs being sent.
Also, I need a link for the headlines from world papers after the attacks - as in the French paper, "Today, we are all Americans".
I've googled various permutations and not been able to come up with the socks story and the only international papers' sites I've found have just had front pages - I need the translations. Actually, there's a wonderful site with pictures from around the world that I'd also like if anyone knows where it is.
Any and all help would be gratefully appreciated.
eileen from OH