We need to start calling, faxing, snail mailing and e-mailing our state legislators to ask them to support the bills now in house regarding a voter verified paper ballot.
The Senate Bill is #167 written by Senator Theresa Fedor (D.Dist #11) and co-sponsors are, Fingerhut (D. #25), Miller (D. #15), Zurz (D. #28), Roberts (D. # 21) and Prentiss (D. #21)
The House Bill is #358 written by Ujvagi (D. #47),and co-sponsors are Boccieri (D. #61), Fessler (D. #79), Yates (D. #33), Seitz (R. #30), Kearns (R. #72), Miller (D. #13), Allen (D. #39), Hoops (R. #75), Brown (D. #48), Brinkman (R. #34), Perry (D. #49), Redfern (D. #80) (Please note that 4 of these are Republicans so this gives us a big lift on getting by-partisan support).
Language on both bills is the same. The primary change is to Ohio Revised Code Sec. 3506.10 (O) It shall produce a voter-verified paper record that is suitable for a recount or a manual audit and that is the equivalent or superior to the paper record produced by a paper ballot system by doing both of the following: (1). Producing a permanent paper record, which shall be made available for inspection and verification by the voter at the time the ballot is cast and which shall be preserved in the same manner as paper ballots are preserved under section 3505.31 of the Revised Code. The record produced under this division shall be the official record used for any recount or manual audit conducted with respect to any election in which the voting machine is used. (2.) Providing the voter with an opportunity to correct any error made by the voting machine before the permanent record is preserved for use in a recount or manual audit.
If you need to find your House or Senate representative go to www.legislature.state.oh.us You can put in your zip code and get the name, phone #, fax # and e-mail address.
If your rep is on the list of sponsors, please call and thank them.
Please pass this on to all family, friends, and organizations. We are running out of time in Ohio.