I appreciate almost everything Move-on does, but i don't see them coming out with any contingency plan should the bushies steal another election. With that in mind, i'm trying to get folks thinking about that possibility:
Recall those days of yesteryear when hordes of Repugnican activists descended on Florida to rant & rave about the vote count, the whole fiasco leading to the enthronement of the Bush regime? Recall the lack of opposing forces during those dark hours? NEVER AGAIN! We need a contingency plan. Hook your activist wagon to the PEOPLES PLEDGE OF RESISTANCE, a potential list of outraged U.S. citizens pledged to non-violent direct action for democracy in the event of another theft of a U.S. presidential election. This is a work-in-progress, your ideas and participation are encouraged. Contact us at: <nose4news2@hotmail.com> Peoples Pledge of Resistance, coming soon to a search engine near you.