From the American Society of Military Comptrollers, here are 3 ways in which you can support our troops:
1. Donate Frequent Flyer Miles for Deployed Soldier R&R Visits:
Over the next several months, troops from Iraq will continue to return home for 2 week R & R visits at the rate of almost 500 soldiers per day. Unfortunately, they are responsible for paying for their own domestic air travel after arriving at one of three U.S. Airport gateways (Baltimore, Dallas, and Atlanta). Currently, the Department of Defense is not paying for this travel (money has been allocated by Congress, but the "rules" for its use are still being worked out by DOD). A web site, has been established by Congressman C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) to accept donations of frequent flier miles to help pay for these flights.
2. Care Packages for Deployed Soldiers:
Many Americans have asked how they can send "care packages" to the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most organizations providing this service require that you send the package to a known solider. The historic tradition of sending a package to "any soldier" is more difficult in an era of terrorism. However, one proud father of a U.S. Army solider serving in Iraq has set up a web site, and with his son devised a system for sending care packages. The website is and it is full of recommendations on items the soldiers need today.
3. Teddy Bears for Children of Deployed Soldiers:
"Helping Kids Bear Adversity" Operation TeddyCare is currently running a project to provide teddy bears to children of deployed troops and is having trouble keeping up with demand from military family service centers. The website is