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Toady's Senate cloture vote (Overtime Pay)

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displacedtexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 10:15 AM
Original message
Toady's Senate cloture vote (Overtime Pay)
A reminder from

Today, Tuesday January 20th, your Senator
will cast a key vote on protecting overtime pay for 8 million
hard-working families. Eliminating overtime pay would not only
make it harder for these families to put food on the table -- it
would also undermine the whole concept of the weekend.

A "cloture" vote is scheduled for today at 3 P.M., Eastern
time.* Please call your Senator immediately:

Make sure the staffers know you're a constituent, then urge your
Senator to:

"Save Overtime. Please vote NO, against Cloture on the
Omnibus spending bill."
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Mandate My Ass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 10:20 AM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks and a special heads up to PA DUers
Today, Tuesday January 20th, your Senator, Arlen Specter, will cast a key vote on protecting overtime pay for 8 million hard-working families. Eliminating overtime pay would not only make it harder for these families to put food on the table -- it would also undermine the whole concept of the weekend.

Incredibly, we're hearing that Sen. Specter has not yet made up his mind how to vote, yet his decision will be crucial to the outcome.

A "cloture" vote is scheduled for today at 3 P.M., Eastern time.* Please call your Senator immediately:

Senator Arlen Specter
Phone: 202-224-4254
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