This is a great opportunity for us to start our demands for verifiable voting audit trails. We need to start this in Travis Country, it is our best hope. You will have both the Travis County Elections Clerk and Secretary of State, Director of Elections present.
Plus a representative of the E-Slate machines we use here in Travis County and Austin - InterCivic eSlate.
Be there!!
Sonia ----------------------------
THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2004 "E-Voting Forum"
WHEN: 8:00 p.m. WHERE: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, 4700 Grover, 1/2 block South of 1200 West 49th between Burnet Rd. & Lamar Blvd. SPONSORED BY: ACLU-Texas; Common Cause; EFF-Austin (Electronic Frontier Foundation); Travis County Green Party; Travis County Democratic Women CONTACT: Ann McAfee at amcafee@austin.rr.com
Speakers include: * Dana De Beauvoir, Travis County Clerk * Bill Stotesbury, VP Hart InterCivic eSlate * Ann McGeehan, Secretary of State, Director of Elections * Dr. Dan Wallach, Rice University computer science prof who served with two Johns Hopkins computer scientists to investigate the Diebold machine.