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Info about Washington State Caucus 2/7 10am

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Zardeenah Donating Member (156 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 05:44 PM
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Info about Washington State Caucus 2/7 10am
I know everyone is thinking about SC and NH, but we're working hard here on the west coast too. ;) The presidential primary was cancelled in Washington State, so the caucuses are the only chance to participate in the nomination process here. The precinct caucuses are your big chance to vote for the candidate you really think is the very best, and discuss issues with your neighbors. I am most familiar with King County, since I live there, so apologies to eastern WA residents. I've tried to be very general.

Here is some info about caucuses and some web addresses for looking up info you need to participate.

  • You don't need to be a registered voter to vote at the caucus. As long as you are eligible to vote on November 2, you can register at the caucus
  • You don't need to be 18 at the caucus. If you are 17, and your birthday is before November 2, you may vote at the caucus.
  • Check with your local Democratic Party, but in King County, children are welcome to come to the caucus, as long as they are well behaved. Caucuses are community events. Some Democratic groups and presidential campaigns in Washington also have rides lists and babysitter lists. Again, check your local orgs.
  • The caucus is on a Saturday and will only take about 2 hours.
  • BE ON TIME!! If you are not at the caucus by the time it is convened (10:30), you will not be able to vote! You are still eligible to discuss your candidate or be a delegate.
  • You can attend the caucus and participate even if you don't have a candidate selected. You can register as undecided, and if there are 15% undecided, there will be an undecided delegate at later caucuses.

To find out your legislative district and precinct number, visit this website:

Find your county elections auditor and call or email them.

You can also try an online search at:

If you live in King County, all the info you need is at

I also made a non-candidate specific Democratic Caucus 1/4 page flyer you can post in coffee houses, and around your neighborhood, which you can find at:
(Microsoft Word format)

These caucuses should be fun! Let's have a huge turnout this year!!

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SeattleDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 06:25 PM
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1. thanks, planning to go
thanks for posting the links and information. I am excited to attend my caucus for the first time. We found out on-line that our neighbor is the precinct chair!

perhaps I'll see other DU'ers at the Ravenna-Eckstein community center on 2/7?
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fleetus Donating Member (276 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 09:42 PM
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2. Great post!
What a great post! My wife and I moved to Washington shortly after Bush got selected, so we missed out the 2000 election process. We came from a state that has primaries, so we are really excited about our first caucus.

Thanks again for posting such useful info!


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