Edited on Wed Jan-28-04 02:12 AM by The Democratic Kid
I'm The Democratic Kid, Health care reform Activist, my family was lied to raped and taken advantage of before they died. I was doing painting, roofing and home repair with my father 5 months before he died of prostate cancer in the middle of the Az, summer just so we could pay the Med. bills, While my mother lie home in bed dying. Our health care system is built on greed, the time to fight is now, because we are the next ones in line, Before you get to heaven you first have to go threw HELL Iv'e been threw it and Iv'e seen it and I would rather die fighting for this cause than see someone I love or any one else go threw what my family went threw. That includes all of you. The Million Patients March will be May first. ( May Day ) May Day for health care Reform!I will post the battle plans has we go along, I have only One question, Who's comming with me to Washington in may, so we can demand real health care reform and say to our Gov. thanks for all the pain and suffering they dished out to us! Take Care, I'm with you all Your Friend The Democratic Kid... Ps We must unite and work together. The people we love are counting on us.