Petition is up at sign and pass along......
> Democratic National Committee to endorse and
> actively
> support H.R.2239 and S.1980
> We the undersigned,
> Encourage, recommend, and do here officially ask
> the Democratic National Committee to endorse and
> actively support, as we have, H.R.2239 and S.1980.
> These bills demand the implementation of a paper
> record of all votes cast on (DRE) electronic
> touchscreen and optical-scan voting machines.
> To provide greater security for our voting system
> before the 2004 Presidential Elections, please
> support
> these necessary bills.
> Living in a democracy means that we have to have
> checks and balances at all levels of our republic. A
> couple of the most fundamental are having the
> possibility of a recount and an accurate accounting
> who each citizen intended to vote for.
> Without a paper record, there are no ballots to
> count.
> To help us keep our democracy alive, please endorse
> and actively support these bills.
> Sincerely,