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Unjustly deporting people! Sign my petition, PLEASE! Let's stop GWB!

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WorldBuilder Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-28-04 02:59 PM
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Unjustly deporting people! Sign my petition, PLEASE! Let's stop GWB!
Hello all,

I can't believe I just found this forum today. Outstanding! Finally, a place where I can meet other Democrats and talk intelligently about topics. Thanks!

Ok, I know I'm new here, but I have a favor to ask you all. It's very important to me. The US is deporting Cambodian-Americans (I am married to one) for no real good reason. GWB has truly enacted a law which allows the INS to deport someone for committing a criminal act, no matter how inconsequential.

I have set up a petition to STOP this blatant Republican racism and discrimination. I have not put it up on, though. It's on my own personal server (I'm a geek ;)) so no one else has access to the information recieved.

Please go to and sign the petition. From there, there is also a link to a story originally published in the NY Times Magazine which started my whole crusade. It's deplorable what "dubya's" administartion is doing with post-9/11 paranoia.

I'm extremely excited at the prospect of someone as "low on the totem pole" as me being able to make a difference. This petition has only been up for a week and I already have over 120 signatures! I need a MINIMUM of 5,000. I have already contacted several local politicians (mainly Marty Meehan - D 5th District of Massachusetts) and am trying to rally many other "higher-ups", such as celebrities. So far, I am being fairly successful.

I need your help, DU'ers! These Cambodian-Americans need your help. I want to right this wrong, and I think I can with your help.

I don't want money or financial contributions of ANY kind. All I need are signatures. Please feel ree to post here, and you can also e-mail me anytime. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you, and I look forward to talking with you all in the future!

Chris Bartlett
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WorldBuilder Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 01:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. Help!
Don't be afraid, guys! In a little over a week, I already have 125 signatures! Need 5,000 minimum. I want to stop Dubya from doing this! Please help, guys! Who else can I count on, if not my fellow Democrats!

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WorldBuilder Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-05-04 08:29 AM
Response to Original message
2. I NEED support!!!
C'mon guys, please! I've now got over 150 signatures! I need to reach 5,000! Even if I only get 10% of all DU'ers, it'll damn near get me there just from you fine folks alone! PLEASE help me out here! I know I can count on my fellow Democrats! After all, who else is going to help?! PLEASE!

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WorldBuilder Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-04 12:31 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Does ANYONE care?
I don't believe this... I see petitions to stop PUPPY MILLS that get dozens of signatures from here, but I set up a petition to employ basic HUMAN RIGHTS and no one seems to care? Do you guys care at all? Please tell me you do...

I'll answer any questions you may have, but let me just break this down.

1. I am NOT advocating for murderers, rapists, "hardcore criminals", etc.
2. I am only trying to help those caught in this legal loophole that is screwing decent, hard-working people who made ONE mistake.
3. This is AMERICA, a CIVILIZED society. We do not cut hands off for theft, penises of for infidelity, nor should we deport someone for a petty crime.
4. Please, guys, this is critical. Bush's racism and post-9/11 paranoia is screwing these people.
5. It takes all of TWO SECONDS to sign your name... What does it hurt?



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WorldBuilder Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 03:57 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I guess not.
Thanks for nothing, folks. Unbelievable...
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