I received something in the mail from the Colorado Coalition for the Prevention of Nuclear War that I am retyping below. Please take one minute and call your Representative and say no to DU (depleted uranium, that is.) Then make a note here that you called them so we can keep track of our progress. Thanks
Dan Bishop, PhD, who is president of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST), says, "We are committing genocide in Iraq because of our use of depleted uranium weaponry." As a result of the 375 tons of depleted uranium (DU) used in the 1991 Iraq war, there have been increased rates of cancers, leukemia, and birth malformations. The cause and effect is accepted by many scientists around the world, including Iraqi physicians. In March and April of 2003, it is estimated that from ONE TO TWO THOUSAND TONS of DU were used by British and American forces on the people of Iraq. Imagine the number of cancers, DNA aberrations, and other suffering that will result over time from this second round of DU used in Iraq. Critics say DU shouldn't be used until studies have supported the Pentagon's contention that "there are no known health problems associated with DU." Dan Fahey, an independent policy analyst on the use and effects of DU said in a June 24 report, "What is clear... is that elements of the US government will manipulate information and even lie about the health of US combat veterans to avoid liability for DU's health and environmental effects." Thousands of the DU shells are about 1 and 1/2 inches in diameter by about 18 inches long and they are SOLID DU - not just "tipped" or "encased" in it as is often reported. DU is an alpha emitter and when the DU weapons explode, the very fine DU particles are released and scattered over the environment to be picked up by children touching and breathing in the dust, breathed in by people and animals, all over Iraq. Representative Jim McDermott of Washington has introduced H.R. 1483, requiring the US government to conduct studies on DU's effects on health and the environment, and cleanup of DU contamination in the US. Please write or phone your representative requesting (demanding?) that they support this bill and join with the worldwide determination to ban DU weapons.
I think this should be an issue that appeals to people on both sides of the aisle. From a humanitarian standpoint, and a "support the troops" perspective, DU is too dangerous to allow its continued use.