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For Florida residents: Florida Hometown Democracy

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T Roosevelt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 10:17 AM
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For Florida residents: Florida Hometown Democracy
I have just encountered (again) the conflict between the people and corporations/special interests. I work for a major civil engineering firm and just received a corporate wide (within Florida anyway) email requesting us to write and sign letters to our clients (mostly municipalities) asking them to NOT support this movement. I, now being politically curious, started investigating:

The Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment

Join with Floridians who understand that the power to decide land use changes has always belonged to the voters - and it's time to take that power back!

· Join with Floridians who want to expand democracy in our communities and bring back government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

· Join with Floridians who agree that the citizens should have the final voice for hometown change.

· Join with Floridians who are tired of bad development that increases our taxes, ruins our communities and wrecks our quality of life.

· Join with Floridians who care about Florida's future.

As anybody who lives in Florida knows, development interests have taken over and created nothing but environmental and transportation problems. Here we have a group trying to stop it, and our firm, in its short-sightedness, has decided to stand in the way.
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methinks2 Donating Member (894 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-11-04 06:41 PM
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1. not surprised
I work in proximity to politicians in Florida and see this developing get approved. The voters in this state have repeatedly, starting in the 70's, tried to control growth. But the politicians always find a way around it. Big SIGGGHHHHHH . When I am ready to retire I'm definitely out of here. Out WEST.
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