Well, we're already making a difference. April 20 was the Project Myth
Breaker kick-off, and as you probably know, 41 small groups in 22 different
states participated. While we didn't get a lot of press, the West Virginia
group was mentioned in two news articles, one in the West Virginia Gazette
and the other in the Charleston Daily News.
- At the recommendation of the President of the Connecticut Registrars
Association, every one of the 169 town Registrars downloaded a copy of "Myth
- So far, 115 other counties are covered, many of them already delivered!
- Sherrie Swensen, Salt Lake County Clerk and a member of the Utah Election
Commission, received two copies on kick-off day. Later in the week a news
article in the Utah Desert News quotes her as saying regarding the hurry to
buy new equipment "I think it's a tragic mistake. Why are we rushing into
- IOWA is making its Myth Breaking into a state event! So pass the Project
information to all the people you know in Iowa. Tell them to contact Alta
Price at aprice@democracyforiowa.com
Read about some personal experiences of the kick-off here:
http://www.votersunite.org/takeaction/kickoff.htmWe are making great headway, but we still have MANY to go. Every election
official needs one! Please sign up for as many additional counties as you
can manage (
http://www.votersunite.org/takeaction/myth-signup1.asp ) and
watch the STARS come out on your state's list of counties
http://www.votersunite.org/takeaction/mythbreaker-counties.asp ).
Here are some ideas:
- Encourage your friends in other states and counties to participate in
Project Myth Breaker.
- Take a day trip to several neighboring counties and deliver Myth Breakers.
- Contact grassroots organizations in your state and get them involved in
the hand-deliveries.
- Post the following message in all your blogs and discussion groups.
http://www.votersunite.org/takeaction/mythbreaker_alert1.htm )
HERE'S A TERRIFIC FIND! An interactive map. Click on your state, click on
your county, and see the election official's name and address in the
"Additional Information."
http://electionline.org/interactiveMap.jsp?page=Interactive+Map )
Keep breaking myths about e-voting!
~ VotersUnite!
Some of you are delivering Myth Breaker, but you aren't signed up to join
us. If you would like to join with VotersUnite!, go to: