Hi Everyone!
I am working with the Dean grassroots on this joint effort to oust a
GOP mouthpiece from his Congressional seat in Washington, DC.
Clarkistas are needed to support this race, as it is the ONLY
Congressional race out of many in NJ ( and the only one out of two in
the Northeast; PA has one DCCC targeted race) expected to succeed in
winning back a seat against a Republican incumbent, according to the
DCCC. Steve Brozak is the son of Czech immigrants and he has lived the
American Dream without selling out. Last year, two weeks after coming
back from a13-month deployment in Iraq, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Steve
Brozak changed party affiliations. His transformation from complacent
Republican to determined Democrat is noteworthy.
Here you can find the invitation to my fundraiser along with other
http://njforclark2004/press.htmlAnd here's Steve's campaign website (hear the CNN interview and read
the fun articles written about him -- he really says outspoken things
about the Bushies!):
http://www.stevebrozakforcongress.comNo donation is too small.
Steve Brozak is beating his GOP opponent in polls and is one of 11
DCCC targeted races nationwide that we can win and take back the House,
thus exterminating <gg> Tom DeLay as House Majority Speaker.
By the way, Steve has been asked by John Kerry to campaign for him and
is being mentored by Rush "Verified Voting" Holt and Sen. Jon Corzine.
Wes Clark is also supportive and has been open to headline future
fundraisers for Steve <stay tuned>.