I am planning to attend the National Young Dems Convention in Buffalo, NY from August 13-17. We just found out today that Governor Dean is going to be speaking and is thus far the only Democratic Presidential contender committed to attending. It is going to be a lot of fun – the Clintons and several other prominent Democrats will speak, and they have a lot of exciting activities planned. I think it is really important that we have a strong presence of Dean supporters at the convention, so please, if you can go, go. To find out more, the website is
http://www.buffaloniagara2003.org/. The cost of the convention (not including hotel and travel and some meals) is $45.
If you are planning to/interested in going to the convention, please e-mail me at laurareznick@comcast.net and cc it to Michael Whitney, an intern for the Dean campaign, at mwhitney@deanforamerica.com, and sign up with the campaign at
http://action.deanforamerica.com/meet/selectmtg.html?zip=14202&distance=1. If you need help finding a relatively cheap way to get to the convention, talk to me – I have found a bunch of people cheap flights on Southwest, JetBlue, and AirTran. Also, at www.studentsfordean.org/rideboard, there are people organizing carpools from all over.
If you could please pass this on to other people you know under age 36 who are supporting Dean, that would be very much appreciated.