We are at war – and the world is looking to us for leadership. I’m running for President because George Bush has shown he has no experience to be Commander-in-Chief and no plan for peace in Iraq. He thinks he’ll be able to beat us on national security. He’s overextended our troops, he can’t find Saddam Hussein, he can’t find Osama bin Laden, he can’t even find the leaker in his own White House. I know something about aircraft carriers for real. And if George Bush wants to make this election about national security, I have three words for him he’ll understand:
Bring. It. On.http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/speeches/spc_2003_1202b.htmlRemarks by John Kerry – Iowa Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner
“The Real Deal, Not the Raw Deal: Bring It On”November 15, 2003
For Immediate Release
Des Moines, IA -
Iowa Democrats, it’s time to get real. George Bush thought he could play dress-up on an aircraft carrier in front of a sign saying “Mission Accomplished” and we wouldn’t notice that our troops are dying in Iraq every day. That Americans on the farm and in our factories are hurting and struggling every day. That George Bush has lost two jobs every minute and run up the deficit a billion dollars every day. But we did notice. We reject the cynicism and radically wrong direction of this Administration. And we’re here to say that tonight marks the beginning of the end of the Bush Presidency.
You want to talk about “Mission Accomplished”? When it comes to coddling big oil, serving up tax giveaways for the wealthiest, and opening up doors for the lobbyists and for the polluters, that’s the only “Mission Accomplished” by George W. Bush. When it comes to health care, to education, to jobs, to the security of our nation, it’s not only Mission Not Accomplished, its Mission Not Even Attempted, it’s Mission Abandoned. On issue after issue, George Bush has given America a raw deal and everyone in this room knows it.
Its not enough to lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery while he cuts veterans health care and 40,000 veterans are left on a hospital waiting list. There are tables of veterans here and they know the truth. What has George Bush given our veterans? A Raw Deal!
George Bush opens fire stations in Iraq and forces fire stations to shut down in America. There are firefighters here and they know the truth. What has George Bush given our first defenders?
George Bush gives corporate hog lots special favors and gives small farms the shaft. There are farmers all over this hall and they know the truth. What has George Bush given our farm families?
George Bush cuts taxes for the wealthy while he cuts funding for our schools. There are teachers here who give so much in classrooms everyday and they know the truth. What has George Bush given our children?
You know, the real motto for this Administration should be “no special interest left behind.” America, it’s time to get real. Instead of George Bush’s raw deal, we need a real deal that stands up to the powerful interests. That’s built on people and products not privileges and perks. And that closes every loophole for the Benedict Arnold companies that ship jobs overseas.
We are at war – and the world is looking to us for leadership. I’m running for President because George Bush has shown he has no experience to be Commander-in-Chief and no plan for peace in Iraq. He’s overextended our troops, he can’t find Saddam Hussein, he can’t find Osama bin Laden, he can’t even find the leaker in his own White House. I know something about aircraft carriers for real. And if George Bush wants to make this election about national security, I have three words for him he’ll understand:
Bring. It. On.I’m running for President to take on the HMOs and drug companies and make health care affordable for all our people. In the last two years, I’ve seen the health care system up close and personal. I’ve lost both my parents and had an operation myself. I got the care I needed because you pay for great health care for Senators and Congressmen. As President, I’m going to give every family that health care because your family’s health is just as important as any politician’s in Washington.
I’m running for President to roll back George Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy so that we can invest in education and health care. But here’s what I won’t do. I won’t balance the budget on the backs of seniors or veterans or the weakest and poorest people in our country. And I won’t raise taxes on the middle class. Because we know the problem with this country is not that the hard working people have too much money.
We believe in a Democratic Party of real solutions, of real leaders, that offers a real deal to the American people. The Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton. They brought hope and leadership and next year we need to do the same. We need to offer answers, not just anger. Solutions, not just slogans. So Iowa, in January, don’t just send them a message. Send them a President.
I believe the courage of Americans can change this country. So stand up if you have the courage to stand up to the polluters. Stand up if you have the courage to stand up to corporations that ship jobs overseas. Stand up if you have the courage to stand up for our civil rights, for civil liberties, for a woman’s right to choose and if you want an Attorney General who’s name isn’t John Ashcroft. Stand up if you have the courage to stand up to the NRA to outlaw assault weapons. Stand up if you have the courage to stand up for energy independence so young people in the Midwest never have to die for Mideast oil.
Your courage can end George Bush’s raw deal. Your courage can give America a real deal. On November 2, 2004, we are going to beat George Bush – and then we can say “Mission Accomplished.” Let’s make it happen.