This is an excellent article about the strike and the need to protect the rights of workers. It also shows Dennis Kucinich's support for workers' rights.
The young girl (Natasha) who wrote this is one of the top volunteers in the Southern California Kucinich campaign. She and her brother are largely responsible for the current success the campaign has had in Orange County. A couple of years ago, the OC Democratic Party presented Natasha and her brother with plaques commending them for their involvement in the political process after the two kids convinced that county's Democratic Central Committee to unanimously adopt a resolution calling for the investigation of the five injustices. Her writing is among the best political writing I've seen. Will Be Next?
by Natasha H. (age 12)
"...remember that this is corporateering and that you are soldiers in the greatest fight going on in this country. This is far more an important battle than the battles fought in Iraq. The enemy is us." - Ed Asner at Dennis Kucinich's Venice, California rally in support of UFCW Grocery Workers, October 18, 2003.<1>
"And this is the time for workers all over America to support the workers here because your fight is the fight of workers everywhere... We have to remember that the fight for workers' rights is the most important fight going on for social and economic justice in this country and that your efforts have to be supported. We have to stand in defense of the rights of workers. We have to be together for the rights of workers." - Dennis Kucinich speaking to UFCW Grocery Workers at Venice, California, October 18, 2003.<2>
Whether or not you agree with the workers you should understand their actions. What is so important to them that they are even on strike? What are they fighting for?