I fowarded this article to Americans for Jobs, Healthcare and Progressive Values.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62184-2003Dec13.html?referrer=emailarticlepgDemocratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said he would offer a package deal to North Korea to give up its nuclear weapon programs and embraced an unofficial peace plan that establishes the borders of a Palestinian state -- breaking dramatically with the approaches of the Bush administration.
Dean, who has risen to the top of the Democratic field in part because of his early and vehement opposition to the war in Iraq, also said he favors immediate elections in Iraq to replace the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, which he said is viewed by the average Iraqi as "simply a council of American-chosen puppets." Dean further said he would end funding for the deployment of a missile defense system, a centerpiece of Bush's presidential campaign four years ago.
Its's a long article, but worth the read.