With the capture of Saddam Hussein, rather than conceding victory to George W. Bush, Democrats should use this opportunity to launch new attacks on Republicans. After all, it was prior Republican administrations that supported and armed Hussein in the first place. If I were Howard Dean, I would call for Bush to hand Hussein over to an international tribunal and then have the independent interrogators ask some serious questions like, “What weapons systems were sold to you or otherwise provided by the Reagan and Bush I administrations?” and “What contacts did you have with the American CIA over the past 25 years and what information did they provide to you?” or “How did the CIA help you overthrow the government of Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963?” With Saddam alive and in custody, maybe now we can finally get to the bottom of which American politicians sold the components necessary to produce biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to a madman like Saddam Hussein in the first place!