Below is a re-post, from the Primaries forum. This dude is no friend of ours. Although the column is an all-KERRY hit piece, he also takes a swipe at DEAN:
"For those Americans who still are queasy with the United States using military force to right wrongs and save lives, the choice seems to be Howard Dean. For those who understand that this is precisely what history asks of the world's leading nations, there is George W. Bush."
********** NAVARRETTE's headline writer succeeded in getting me to read the column, "Kerry may be facing the second quagmire of his life," in which he not only disses a distinguished senator and veteran, but also Vietnam vets and the whole Boomer generation.
NAVARRETTE is another one of those Affirmative Action dudes who, like Clarence THOMAS, emerged from their Democratic-sponsored hand-up apparently traumatized and self-hating, therefore committed to lashing out at anything Democratic and favoring every wingnut position.
Ostensibly, the angle that hooked NAVARRETTE is that Hispanics ought to be free agents, not be "owned" by the Democratic Party. The wee problem with this is that the alternative is to "belong" to the wingnuts, who just want Hispanics to be their (literal) yardmen and houseboys. Yep, there's something wrong with Affirmative Action, since those "Liberal" colleges turn pod minds into wingnuts. The suspect mechanism for teaching this supposed "independent thinking" is the devil's advocate gimmick, which tends to make the pod mind think it is very, very smart--smarter than the evidence supports.
In 2002, he was lecturing the Democratic Party on "loyalty" to Victor MORALES, the MORALES who later refused to support the Democratic nominee in the general election. I don't remember his opinion of the other MORALES, the one who openly turned coat and endorsed Governor Goodhair and who is now in the pen, but Dan holds a lesson for "independent" houseboys.
NAVARRETTE is a lesser version, in the bottom tiers, of wingnuts, never to be so big as HANNITY, who also likes to give advice to the Democratic Party--and certainly not in the class of intellect of PAGLIA and BUCKLEY, the masters of the wingnut pretzel trick: Twisting themselves into rhetorical convolutions about wingnut scoundrelism only to emerge ALWAYS on the wingnut side of things, the way BUCKLEY would ALWAYS end up blessing NIXON. In a lesser way, NAVARRETTE pretzels himself only to come down, miraculously, against every traditional position of his home minority group and on the side of Shrub.
In his spewing about KERRY, he plays a lesser, no wit and intellect, Maureen DOWD, and only shows himself as just mean---and LYING ("wife's money" and Shrub "logging time"). He's also insufferably irritating on the subject of the Vietnam experience, managing to lash out at the whole Boomer generation. This dude is on NPR and in the Washington Post as, you know, one of those INDEPENDENT members of a minority group. Once again, as with the AA deal, he manages to parlay Liberal sponsors into tools for his wingnut houseboyism.
NAVARRETTE should get a clue: AA gave him a chance at a better, more groundbreaking career than just to be a shill. But think of the irony---the more he pretends to "independence", the more he is owned.