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Thune to announce his Senate decision Monday

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NewJerseyDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 05:19 PM
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Thune to announce his Senate decision Monday

Former Republican U.S. Rep. John Thune will announce his political future Monday night, but there seems to be little doubt about what he will do.

Thune will make the announcement at Lincoln County's Lincoln Day Dinner in Sioux Falls.

Several of the former congressman's good friends in the state say he has decided to challenge Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle.

National Republicans have been playing a lead role in encouraging Thune to run. One of those top-level operatives in Washington said last week that he feels comfortable their mission is accomplished.
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Josh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 07:42 PM
Response to Original message
1. It will be a tough race, but Daschle will prevail -
he's already amassed a truckload of cash with more on the way. And if Thune couldn't beat Tim Johnson at the very height of Bush's popularity in the whole Bush vs. Daschle thing, then I don't think he'll win this one.

What Thune DOES have going for him, however, is that no matter who the Democratic nominee is, Bush will absolutely SWEEP South Dakota. So he could bring out a whole bunch of Republican votes. We'll see. Daschle's approval rating in his home state has always been pretty high.
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 08:01 PM
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2. John Thune's announcement...
Pierre, South Dakota, January 5, 2004 -- Former Congressman John Thune announced today that despite much anticipation to the contrary, he would not seek the seat held by Senator Thomas Daschle.

Citing an increasingly acute apprehension of a nationwide Democratic sweep of all three branches of government, Mr. Thune told reporters at a Pierre diner, "There's no way I'm backing my ass into THAT buzzsaw!"

Party officials in South Dakota expressed dismay that no one has emerged to serve as the Republican candidate against the incumbent.

"Of course, you can't very well blame them," said one official, speaking on grounds of anonymity. "Bush has made too many calamitous mistakes both domestically and in foreign policy, and frankly, we're going to get our butts kicked."

This reporter made attempts to reach Karl Rove, the White House's senior political strategist, for his reaction to Mr. Thune's withdrawal, but a taped message on Mr. Rove's phone line simply uttered a profane remark about Mr. Thune. We are not at liberty to disclose the taped remarks owing to libel laws, but we can say that farm animals were referenced.

Thune's friends and family who had assembled in the Pierre diner for Mr. Thune's announcement expressed a dismissive nonchalance at the news. "We still like ol' John," one unnamed relative said, "but he's dumber than a bag of hammers. It's just as well he stayed out of politics if you ask me."
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goobergunch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 08:15 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. This is a serious thread
Edited on Mon Jan-05-04 08:17 AM by goobergunch
Please do not post joke announcements in it. Thanks.
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 08:55 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Humor, satire and parody --
-- ARE serious tools in political discourse. I'll post them when I wish to make a broader point. Thanks.
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LimpingLib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 12:20 PM
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5. I worry about the Senate.
The Medicare legislation was probabily the worst and most harmful piece of legislation I have ever seen but a filibuster was of coarse (sarcasim) out of the question to the Democratic leadership. Couple that with the filibuster of judges which centered on the abortion issue and then try to think from the average voters perspective then you realize that poor voters will sadly think the Democratic party isnt looking out for them but is infact looking out for special interests . I hate to say it but its true. Ted Kennedeys bold in your face "neanderthal" comment after almost all Democrats united to block Pro Life judges would have been just fine if they kept that equal level of enthusiasm on vital economic issues (especially when it comes to blocking bad lkegislation,easy in the Senate when the GOPs majority is so small and legislation is so harmful, like the Medicare bill)but the Democratic party decided to take the pass on the vital issues (yet again--sigh!)while go all out on the delicate divisive social issue .

We are going to suffer in the Senate races. And its all due to cowardice . Chicken out on the vital economic issues as we did and the voters in many conservative (socialy) states will asociate the Democratic Senate nominees with ...well....the ONLY issue the Democratic Senate will be known for , the abortion issue via the judicial fight. Ive said it many times before and Ill keep on pointing it out no matter how unpopular. The point is (again) if the party decides to take a stand on abortion and abortion only (notice I said "only") then we couldnt pay poor voters to bother voting or even caring. Thankfully Dean has some common since . He talks tolerantly on the contriversal social issues (knowing that abortion and gun talk doesnt play well outside wealthy coastal areas, university towns , cosomolitan cities , and wealthy hes pro gun anyway so hes different there fundamentaly)but gives em hell on the Medicare destroying bill .

We have an excellent chance at the white house. We wont win the house but its not necessarily the House leaders fault (their medicare fight was one of the most valiant efforts I ever saw) , we should run respectable against the GOP. The Senate however we will loose and deserve to loose.
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NewJerseyDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Democrats did attempt a filibuster
The democrats tried to block the medicare on a point of order on the budget. It required 60 votes to pass just like a filibuster would and the votes just weren't there. I admit that it is kind of ridiculous that almost has many democratic senators voted for the bill as democratic congressmen when there are so many more democratic congressmen. However, I wouldn't blame it on the leadership.

I think that we are in trouble in the senate but it has nothing to do with how much they fight the republicans. It has more to do with the fact that 29 states voted for Bush and only 20 voted for Gore (Florida is a tossup in my opinion). That means that the republicans start off with a significant advantage and it is hard for democrats to make up for it.
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mndemocrat_29 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-05-04 04:19 PM
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6. Thune has said he will run
I think it will be a tough race, but Tom is a political legend in South Dakota and has a huge warchest. Thune just lost to Tim Johnson in 2002.

However, George McGovern lost to a Republican, and he was a political legend from South Dakota. Daschle should be able to pull this off, but he's our most vulnerable incumbent.
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daschledemocrat04 Donating Member (4 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-07-04 07:39 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. New Daschle v. Thune Poll
Go support the Democratic Leader at

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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-09-04 01:57 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. Definitley going to be a competative race
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