January 11, 2004
Dennis' campaign for the presidency developed out of
the response to a speech he gave in February 2002
opposing the Bush Administration's build-up to a war
on Iraq.
Dennis today released this statement in response to
former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's charges that
President Bush entered office in January 2001 intent
on invading Iraq and was in search of a way to go
about it:
"These revelations are not just about the past. The
Bush Administration is still with us. They manufactured
justifications for the war, and they are now
manufacturing justifications for continuing this
occupation. The war is not over, and the invention of
justifications for it is not over. Even Democratic
presidential candidates are joining in. But the idea that
we can stabilize Iraq and develop a legitimate
democracy prior to turning control over to the United
Nations is as impossible to believe as were the claims
about an imminent threat from vast stockpiles of
weapons of mass destruction."
from his homepage