Message: 13 Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 05:03:22 -0000 From: "Corey" <muscles598@yahoo.com> Subject: An 18 Year Old American Teen Has Figured It Out, Have You?
Dear President Bush,
An 18 Year Old American Teen Has Figured It Out, Have You?
In a nation where the poor and old cannot afford health care, in a nation where the economy is falling apart, in a nation where 15 percent of people live below the poverty line, in a nation where hundreds of thousands are homeless, in a nation where the entire media system is owned by only six media mega conglomerates, in a nation with the world's highest crime rate, in a nation with the world's largest prison population, in a nation where half of all marriages end in divorce, in a nation where 25% of kids under 12 live in poverty, in a nation where the gulf between the rich and poor is growing everyday, in a nation that supports dictatorships in Saudi, Egypt, and Turkey, in a nation where the government is full of corruption and fascism, in a nation where 40 percent of the homeless are VETERANS, in a nation with one of the world's highest teen suicide and stress rates, and you're telling me our biggest problems are TERRORISM and DRUGS?
-Corey Cananza, 2003 Muscles598@yahoo.com
This is why Howard Dean, like "St.Paul" Tsongas will never win a damn thing. John Kerry is the only one in this race with enough broad support and broad issues to appeal and fix ALL of these problems, not just two or three.