the facts of the Bush family/Nazi Germany connection have been whirling around in cyberspace for years, veteran journalist John Buchanan was among the first to confirm the story in print. Now he’s running against George W. in the New Hampshire Republican primary.
He spent a few days at the National Archives and the Library of Congress, where he found "smoking gun" information in the personal papers of former New York governor Averell Harriman, only to learn that the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC News, CNN–even his hometown paper, the Miami Herald–all refused to acknowledge the documentation of his discovery. He ended up in the fortnightly New Hampshire Gazette, which claims to be the oldest paper in America, founded in 1756. After his first article appeared in the Gazette on Friday, October 10, more than 60 web sites around the globe picked up the story. (Analysis of the Bush/Nazi connection is also found in Kevin Phillips’ new American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, Viking, 2004.)
"I submit that, based on the unreported facts, (Bush) is guilty of treason because of the sinister and longstanding relationship he and his family have with the Saudis and the bin Laden family, both via the Carlyle Group and prior to that via Bush’s Texas oil ventures in the 70s. I am running for president as a grand experiment to see whether the truth matters anymore in this country–and whether we can deal with it if it can be gotten out for open debate in a presidential election cycle.
"I am going to focus on 9/11 and how Bush & Co. have exploited it purely for financial gain–and name the businesses and what they’ve made to date.